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Tag: Gadget

DIY Eink Gadget

In this project we have built a Multifunctional Eink Gadget that can work as multiple different “things”. As an example we have implemented a 6, 12, 20 sided dice feature and also a simple hero dashboard. While this project is a very simple example on how you could use eink display in very low power application, you can easily take it as a starting point and expand it even further. The board also has a Bluetooth Low Energy capabilities, so it is possible to communicate with other devices and also integrate everything into a much bigger system.

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DIY Camera Slider

Camera slider is a great tool that in the hands of a great video maker allows them to create amazing time-lapse videos, move the camera to follow the subject or move the camera around to highlight a fixed subject. Unfortunately, I am not a great video maker. However I am a maker and making my own camera slider sounds like a ton of fun! That is why I decided to make my own WiFi enabled camera slider. Using the 2020 Aluminium extrusion and few off-the-shelf components allows the camera slider to be as long or as short as we need it, while being very sturdy and also lightweight for carrying around or mounting on a tripod. We can then use built in WiFi connectivity to control and program the camera slider to have a very precise and repeatable camera movements.