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OpenFan – DIY PC Fan Controller

For some time now I was not entirely happy with how I am cooling my PC, my NAS and my server. It’s not that anything is terribly wrong, it’s just that I am aware that things can be better… So I said I have to fix this.

The easiest solution would be to find a decent fan controller, add it to each setup and I am good to go. But that’s easier said than done. For a while I couldn’t find a solution that has all the features that I need and that isn’t overpriced. So as you can guess, I decide to build my own.

And the best part is that the entire project is documented and released as open-source open-hardware project. So hopefully others that have same “problem” can use it or at least use it as starting point.

I have also added some cool features like expansion headers for attaching I2C and 1-Wire sensors. And the software provides a really nice GUI to control the fans, program custom profiles. Maybe the coolest part (if you are nerd like me) is that you can access it remotely and the software also has a built-in API that you can use to remotely and/or programmatically control all of your fans!

The video above walks you through the entire project so I suggest you watch it first to get the better understanding how things work.

As with all of my previous project, everything is open-source open-hardware so you can find the firmware, hardware, manufacturing files, software and documentation in the project repository which is hosted on GitHub.

I have spent a lot of time working on this project so I hope you find it useful and enjoy using it as much as I did making it!

Available for purchase

Fully assembled OpenFAN PCB (with USB cable) is available for purchase from the web shop.


  1. Matej
    Matej 28. October 2023.

    Can I buy 2x of these fully assembled?

    • Sasa Karanovic
      Sasa Karanovic 28. October 2023.

      Hi Matej. Right now I don’t have these up for sale and I already gave away the extra ones I had from the build.
      If there is enough interest I can maybe make a shop for buying PCBs/PCBAs for my projects.

      • Terry
        Terry 29. October 2023.

        Count me in if you do decide to move forward with selling the product either assembled or parts.

      • Ted Zillich
        Ted Zillich 3. November 2023.

        Might want to get started on that….. I’d bet you’ll move a lot of these

  2. Richard
    Richard 9. November 2023.

    Any chance of something like this that could be done as a RPi5 hat? (Thinking with an aux power connector.)

    I think it’d be awesome for a system I’m building it’d be able to do out of band fan and pump control with connection via ethernet for managing it.

    Your project is wonderful and is something I’ve been wanting for a long time.

    • Sasa Karanovic
      Sasa Karanovic 9. November 2023.

      Thank you!
      I was actually thinking about this the other day and yes absolutely it’s possible. 🙂
      Feel free to send me an email with the idea or specific use-case you might have.

  3. Bryce Van Horn
    Bryce Van Horn 18. December 2023.

    Sign me up for 10 of these when you start selling them.

    • Sasa Karanovic
      Sasa Karanovic 20. December 2023.

      I have already received a small production batch of boards that are good to go.
      I still have to setup an online store. 🙂

  4. Falcon
    Falcon 22. December 2023.

    Great project.
    I’ll be interested to purchase a couple as well if available.
    I would like to attach/ mix with the Bambulab AMS system and found your video on YouTube. 🙂

    • Sasa Karanovic
      Sasa Karanovic 23. December 2023.

      Thank you!
      The boards are already good to go and the web shop should be up and running in (early) January.
      I would love to see how you plan to use it with the Bambu AMS system. 🙂

  5. Ron
    Ron 8. March 2024.

    There’s no way that I can get into making pcbs…. BUT I could absolutely do this if you used ESP32 boards, which I use a ton for LEDs and Home assistant. Even if you could only do 3or 4 fans per board, that would still be worth it. Just a thought.

  6. Mark
    Mark 12. August 2024.

    Hi, Is there any possibility to have a TCP/IP version of this? In an ideal world using POE for power? I’d love this to be fully stand alone and accessed via web gui or API.


    • Sasa Karanovic
      Sasa Karanovic 19. August 2024.

      Thanks Mark!
      I actually have OpenFAN WiFi version that works over WiFi and is completely stand-alone. I am working on getting it on the webshop but can’t really promise an exact date when it will be available.
      The PoE version is also a very interesting idea, I initially discarded it because not everyone has PoE switches or/and don’t want to waste the PoE budget on fan control. But maybe I should make a POE version as well. Please feel free to let me know if you have a particular use-case or board features/requirements that you would like to see. 🙂

  7. CasaP
    CasaP 1. October 2024.

    Hi Sasha,

    I bought 2 of them. Before I instal into my UNraid Server, do I need to do anything? Is the boot loader pre-installed?

    Also, any suggestions about how to keep it from shorting, the pins at the bottom of the board could hit the metal case, I just used some of the nice packing foam you used temporarily, but have ordered some of that capstan tape from Amazon.

    Will you be making a case for this at some stage?


    • Sasa Karanovic
      Sasa Karanovic 1. October 2024.

      Hey CasaP!

      Thank you for supporting OpenFAN!
      You are correct, everything is already pre-installed on the factory shipped units. So you don’t have to do anything, just plug&play.
      There is an enclosure design in the repository that you can 3D print.

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