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OpenSENSE and OpenLED are live!

For a while now I have been using my custom ambient sensor board as well as my custom LED controller in combination with HomeAssistant (and ESPHome).

They are now available separately as OpenSENSE and OpenLED projects and are also available on the WebShop.

As you can guess I am a bit behind on making videos… and it might take a while until the video for these two projects is up.

But at the same time I did not want to delay making these available to the public. Luckily I believe that these should be pretty self-explanatory as well as plug-and-play. But there will be a detailed videos explaining why I made them in the first place, how they work and how you can use them in your smart home setup. In the mean time if you have any questions. please feel free to ask them here or email me.

OpenSENSE – Smart Home Ambient Sensor

More details about OpenSENSE are available on the web shop page.

OpenLED – Smart Home LED Controller

More details about OpenLED are available on the web shop page.

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