I kept getting more and more emails from people asking me if I could modify the firmware of the Bedroom clock I made last year to implement an easier way to adjust the time/date, so that’s what I did.
In Firmware v2 H and M buttons have the following functions:
- H : This button will cycle selection trough hour, min, day, month and year. Current selection is indicated with “>” or “<” indicator.
- M : This button will now increase the value of the selected field.
After you cycle trough all the fields, the new time/date values are saved in the RTC and clock continues to run.
New firmware is, like always available on the GitHub page.
Like I said in the original post, this was the one-day project that I finished in about 4 hours, so while I’m pretty sure most of you will be able to follow the code without any problems, don’t expect comment for every line or the perfect code. The code provided is the one that (just) does the job good enough.
Like always, I’m looking forward to your feedback!