JGSP NS is a very tiny Android application that brings time schedule for public transportation of Novi Sad to your fingertips. Application is very simple and plain to use, on start it asks you to pick a public transportation line that you would like to use, after that, another screen appears where you can see the time schedule for work…
Leave a CommentSasa Karanovic Posts
The idea behind PlusPon project is that you don’t have to visit hundreds of daily deal sites just to find what you are looking for, instead you can visit PlusPon.com that lets you search thousands of daily deal sites at once and lets you filter offers by region, category, price or any other way you want. All deals are displayed…
Leave a CommentJGSP Novi Sad – Red Voznje i new and improved version of mini-program that fetches data from official JGSP Novi Sad site and show you only the relevant data about the Bus Line you have selected from the menu. Now program can remember what was the last line you have selected and on next start-up it automatically loads it.
You can keep this program in your Systray and when you need to find out when the next bus is leaving your station you just double-click the icon in you system-tray and the program will pop-up back.
This program is very tiny and has very low resources consumption (updates data every half hour and has no background processes) so you don’t have to worry about eating your resources or your internet bandwidth.
If you want to request a feature or have a suggestion please feel free to email it to me and I will make it in the next release.
Download Link: Download JGSP Novi Sad – Red Voznje v2.1
Update: 03.06.2011. : Minor update to version 2.1.1
FTN Online library is a like the name says online library for Faculty of Technical Science students. It allows students to exchange e-Books and browse library shelves for books they are looking for and filter them by category and/or type. Most of the books are in Serbian or English and they are for very useful to FTN E1 and E2…
Leave a CommentCity Map of Novi Sad is interactive map of Novi Sad that shows pins of places of interests. You can chose what type of locations you want shown or chose to show all of the locations. Map is created using jQuery, PHP, MySQL and Google Maps API This is the experimental version but still all of the functions are working…
Leave a CommentI have created a PHP script that connects to weather server and retrieves real-time data about weather (temperature, pressure, humidity and wind speed) in Novi Sad, Serbia. Data is processed and stored in my DB for later parsing and presentation. You can see real-time charts displaying weather changes in last 8 hours in Novi Sad on my MrdniSe Lab website.…
Leave a CommentJGSP Schedule software is, as its’ name suggests software for letting you know when does next public transportation bus starts and when it will be at your station.
Crimepolis is the new MMORPG Browser Based game that I’ve been working on for quite some time. Crimepolis is featuring an engaging real-time world with thousands of other real players. It`s free to play and requires no downloads. You can sign-up and star playing immediately. Also you can follow Crimepolis on Twitter or Facebook. [update 2013.] We are pleased to…
Leave a Comment== What does this plugin do? ==
Advanced Twitter Feed plugin that allows you to display feeds from people on your list or the people you follow along with your tweets and your replies. In admin page you can set up your twitter username and some more advanced settings like display all statuses from the list you have created or tweets just from chosen people you chose or ban some people from appearing on your timeline and etc.
Why would users who have JavaScript enabled wait for the page to re-load just to see the rest of your post?
It drains more bandwidth, it sometimes can be extremely slow, and most of the users don’t have the patience or time to just read every post instead they just scroll until they reach the end of the page.